当提到中国川菜的经典之作,不得不提的就是鱼香肉丝(Fish-flavored Shredded Pork)。这道菜以其独特的口味和丰富的层次感,在全世界美食爱好者中享有盛名。今天,我们就一同探索制作这道美味佳肴的烹饪方法,让你在家中也能享受到正宗的川味。
- 鱼香肉丝 (Fish-flavored Shredded Pork)
- 食谱 (Recipe)
- 川菜 (Sichuan Cuisine)
- 烹饪方法 (Cooking Method)
- 猪里脊肉300克,切成细丝
- 木耳50克,提前泡发后切丝
- 胡萝卜半根,切丝
- 青红椒适量,切丝
- 大葱1根,切丝
- 姜蒜末适量
- 酱油1汤匙
- 糖1茶匙
- 醋2茶匙
- 料酒1汤匙
- 豆瓣酱2汤匙
- 水淀粉适量
- 盐适量
- 鸡精(可选)少许
1. 腌制肉丝:将猪里脊肉丝用少许盐、料酒和水淀粉腌制10分钟。
2. 准备调料汁:在小碗中混合酱油、糖、醋、料酒、水淀粉和少许盐,搅拌均匀备用。
3. 炒制肉丝:锅中加油烧热,下入腌制好的肉丝快速翻炒至变色,捞出备用。
4. 炒制配菜:锅中留底油,加入豆瓣酱炒出红油,再加入姜蒜末爆香。接着放入木耳丝、胡萝卜丝和青红椒丝快速翻炒。
5. 合并食材:将炒好的肉丝重新倒入锅中,加入事先调好的料汁,快速翻炒均匀,使每一丝肉都裹上调料。
6. 出锅装盘:待汤汁略微收紧,撒上葱花,即可出锅装盘。
Title: “Fish-flavored Shredded Pork - A Culinary Classic”
When it comes to the classics of Chinese Sichuan cuisine, one cannot overlook the Fish-flavored Shredded Pork. This dish is renowned worldwide for its unique flavor profile and rich layers of taste. Today, let’s delve into the cooking method that allows you to recreate this authentic Sichuan delicacy in your own kitchen.
Recipe Overview:
As a representative of Sichuan cuisine, the name “Fish-flavored Shredded Pork” comes from its distinctive seasoning approach—a combination of ingredients that mimics the flavor of fish. The main components include pork, wood ear mushrooms, carrots, and spring onions, among others. With clever seasoning, even without fish, you can achieve a “fishy aroma.”
- Fish-flavored Shredded Pork
- Recipe
- Sichuan Cuisine
- Cooking Method
Ingredients Needed:
- 300g pork tenderloin, cut into thin strips
- 50g wood ear mushrooms, soaked and sliced
- Half a carrot, julienned
- An appropriate amount of green and red bell peppers, sliced
- One spring onion, julienned
- Minced ginger and garlic to taste
- 1 tablespoon soy sauce
- 1 teaspoon sugar
- 2 teaspoons vinegar
- 1 tablespoon cooking wine
- 2 tablespoons doubanjiang (Sichuan pepper paste)
- Appropriate amount of water and cornstarch mixture
- Salt to taste
- A pinch of chicken powder (optional)
Cooking Steps:
1. Marinate the Pork Strips: Marinate the pork strips with a little salt, cooking wine, and water and cornstarch mixture for 10 minutes.
2. Prepare the Sauce: Mix soy sauce, sugar, vinegar, cooking wine, water and cornstarch mixture, and a bit of salt in a small bowl until combined. Set aside.
3. Stir-fry the Pork Strips: Heat oil in a pan, quickly stir-fry the marinated pork strips until they change color, then remove and set aside.
4. Stir-fry the Vegetables: Leave some oil in the pan, add the doubanjiang and stir until it releases a fragrant red oil, then add minced ginger and garlic to sauté. Next, add the wood ear mushroom strips, carrot strips, and bell pepper strips, and quickly stir-fry.
5. Combine the Ingredients: Return the fried pork strips to the pan, pour in the pre-prepared sauce, and quickly stir to coat evenly, ensuring each strip is covered with the seasoning.
6. Serve: Once the sauce has slightly thickened, sprinkle with spring onion strips and serve immediately.
Fish-flavored Shredded Pork is not only a feast for the eyes and taste buds but also nutritious, making it a dish that delights both visually and gastronomically. Whether for family dinner or entertaining guests, it showcases your culinary skills. So why wait? Try your hand at making this classic Sichuan dish and let it shine in your kitchen!